Story P5

Yea ....and I'm back... thanks for checking out my story... and please tell me what you think... the story has a couple of twists coming but, I'm not revealing anything yet!!!!

"Man, all I have to do is keep my mouth shut, some scout will see me and then I'll never have to deal with this coach again" John thinks to himself. John almost don't hear Peter shouting at him."John, John, wait for me!!" John turns around and sees Peter and starts to walk a little slower. "Hey dude, what was that all about? The coach is coo coo." "Yea dude, but everything is ok." John doesn't really make eye contact. "What would Peter know about my life?" John thinks to himself, he feels his mood just drop into somberness. "What a game man, this time we will have the cup for sure!!" Peter says. He continues, "what's wrong with you?" John isn't in the mood to talk, but he doesn't want to seem rude. "Don't let the coach's antics get you down, he is just like that, ignore it - I do. So tell me, are you not coming to the party tonight?"Peter continues as if nothing is wrong. "No, I have some tests I have to redo this week. From here I still have to catch a bus and a train before I get home. So my study time will be very limited." John tries to enlighten him." Wow, ok, a bus and a train? No way dude, so where do you stay?" Peter asked ignorantly. "Kayamandi, in Stellenbosch." "Wow man that is far, do you travel that everyday?" " Not everyday, Only on days that I have classes and well, rugby." Peter heads to his car, "cheers dude, have an awesome weekend, I know I will." "Yea cheers, see you on Monday." "Party hard and get everything for free, what do you know about fighting for survival?" John repeats to himself, softer so that Peter would not be able to hear him. John quickens his pace, he knows that he still need to walk quite a distance before he will be able to catch a taxi to the train station. Peter drives past and waves at him. "Thanks for caring, you could've given me a lift." John hisses to Peter with a smile not to look rude or unfriendly. 

The music is blaring in Peter's car, he is in such a good mood. The Ford Focus that his dad got him at the beginning of Varsity has kept him going. The girls like it and it got him where he wanted to be, it has a couple of beer stains, dents all over, but soon, a scout will see him and then all his dreams come true. He doesn't have that far to drive, 10 minutes and he will be home. a quick shower, a quick burger and then party time. "Aaargh man, I still need to go and see my dad," he remembers, "I hope he gives me the money I've asked of him." Peter's dad is not rich but he can take care of things, he doesn't need to scratch too much too fill the financial holes. Peter is deep in thought and sees the red light almost to late. The tyres screech to a halt. "What do you think you're doing?" a passer by shouts at him. "Flip off, man. Who cares what you think." Peter screams back at him.

this is cool... so we have come this far, just to ask is anyone reading this? yay or nay?, tomorrow is friday.... yea... almost... cool cheers!!!!