Story P8

Another day, Another page...

With a jerk, John is shaken back to reality. Since he got on the train almost an hour ago, he was lost in his fantasy world of a good life, a good job, with a dream girl. Reality is much different, traveling every day from Stellenbosch to Cape town and back. "Man, I still have three assignments to do tonight." John thinks to himself as he gets off the train. He walks the same route, up the hill to their home, the house he lived in, all of his live. Since his father left, his mother worked hard to keep them going.Two, sometimes three jobs at the same time, but She always made sure that her kids are looked after. With a big sigh, John opens their from door: "Hello, I'm home." "SSSHHHH, the babies are sleeping," John's mom says. "Sorry, I didn't know." John responded." Hi, my big man. How was school today? and the match?" John's mom is a hard woman, but she always has love for her children, She starts to dish some supper for John."School was ok, the match was awesome, we won, next is the semi-finals." John takes his plate and sits down at the table. The room is lit by two candles, but it is enough to see around. "Is the electricity cables stolen again?" John asks. "No, sorry, they took money from my pay again, they say that I broke a machine at work, and I am responsible to pay for the repair, so I couldn't buy electricity". "Those people are totsies, all they do is deduct, deduct, deduct, how are people supposed to live like this," John responds with a raised voice again. "Hey, Shush! the babies", John's mom points to the door, where his brother and sister are sleeping in the other room. "Oh, sorry" John calms down again. "My son, we will make due, we have always." She says, trying for him not to worry about too much". "Thanks for supper mom," John says as he gets up," I still have three assignments to do, before I can go to bed." "Why don't you do them tomorrow?" She asks.