Book / Screenplay P1

 So let me start with the story.........

ok so the story is about 2 different people in the current South Africa, two different back grounds, 2 different life styles, lets just start with this and we can take it from here:
(an edit is needed for this, but hey, this is just a start)

 The whistle blows and John can feel his right calf muscle twitch. He bends His legs and get ready for the jump, sweat trickle over his brow, he can see the hooker with the ball, his hands go up, "ready, thirty four, seventeen, eight, go" the line out is for the other team, but John has won at least four out of the seven line outs for his team. He jumps, grabs towards the ball and misses. He hears his scrum-half scream something but it is muffled and he knows he has to bind and push, try and get that ball. He pushes with all his might, "push, push, push" he hears from just behind him. His body is burning, he is wet from the sweat but he knows he can do it. There is pressure from all around, as sweaty bodies is pushing him from all sides. "push, push, push" He recognizes the scum-half's voice, "what does he think we're doing?" a thought flashed through his head. He masters some more strength and "aaaarrrggghhh ". "the ball is out", he releases, and falls to the ground. after a couple of seconds where a lot of bodies came crashing down on him, John feels the release of everyone standing up. He looks up, jumps up and see the his back line running, he starts running, but with a slow pace as he knows he will not be able to catch them. 
I think that is it for today... cheers...  

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