Story P2

Heeeeeeeyyyy good day everyone, if anyone... So this is friday... cooool... looking forward to the weekend... It's the weekend baby!!!!!

SO after my loooong day yesterday and not posting anything I thought of just continuing on my story today... so here goes:

"Move it, move it, move it, John, get your black behind to that ball. I want it, go get it" John quickened has pace as the coach's words rang in his ears. A player of the opposing team came running in his direction, He goes in for the tackle, his muscles tense up ready for impact. John feels the impact of this big runner hitting him full on. His shoulder aches, but he reaches around, grips and falls to the ground with the player's legs in his arms. "Nice tackle John, release, release" John hears muffed cries in the back ground. He releases the player and starts to roll away as they have practiced so many times. It is not easy with all the players' legs around, trying to get to the ball. 
The whistle blows, "knock on from orange, blue ball." the referee said. John was already up and getting ready for the next move, but there was a shuffle of players. Tempers flaring up, a shuffle here, a push there. "heeeeeeey....break it up, break it up....if any of you try this nonsense in this game, I'll send you right off". The rugby players calm down and everyone get ready for the scrum.
John finds his lock partner and locks in, both of them working as a unit, moves closer to the props and grabs the normal place, connecting as a huge tank, ready for the scrum.

"Nice tackle John!!!, Release, Release!!!" Peter's voice seems coarse he screams, to support his team mate. The whistle blows, "what are these idiots doing?" he mumbles to himself. He sees some players of the other team pushing his team mates, He runs. He is in the back line but it doesn't take him to long to get to where the players are pushing each other. He swings barely missing a player, he feels how a someone grabs him from behind. His temperament is boiling. "heeeeeeey....break it up, break it up....if any of you try this nonsense in this game, I'll send you right off" the referee points his finger straight at Peter and gives him a stern look. He knows that if he tries anything now, he won't see the end of the game. He goes back to his position, "happy place, happy place" Peter says to himself. By the time he gets to his place, the scrum is ready to start. The scrum-half puts the ball in, "push, push, push" Peter start moving a little by little, he needs to be ready if he is going to do something. The points are level and there is only 2 minutes left on the clock. "push dammit!!!" the ball pops out, the scum-half passes the ball to the fly-half. He runs a couple of steps but sees there is nowhere to go. Peter makes sure that he stays behind him, ready to receive the ball. Here it comes. He grabs it and pushes with all the strength. He lifts his knees high, stronger, faster. He steps left, he steps right ... "yes, it's open" he thinks to himself. His lungs are burning, but he pushes, faster, faster. He runs through a gap that was created by the fly-half. The line comes closer and closer, he can almost feel the breath of the players behind him. Fifteen meters, faster, faster, his muscles are aching but there is no turning back. Just a little more, ten meters, "push, Peter, push... you can do it!!" his thoughts rings through his mind. Almost...

Thanks for joining me today, but this is where I'm going to stop for today... my responsabilities are calling... cheers

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