Story P8

Another day, Another page...

With a jerk, John is shaken back to reality. Since he got on the train almost an hour ago, he was lost in his fantasy world of a good life, a good job, with a dream girl. Reality is much different, traveling every day from Stellenbosch to Cape town and back. "Man, I still have three assignments to do tonight." John thinks to himself as he gets off the train. He walks the same route, up the hill to their home, the house he lived in, all of his live. Since his father left, his mother worked hard to keep them going.Two, sometimes three jobs at the same time, but She always made sure that her kids are looked after. With a big sigh, John opens their from door: "Hello, I'm home." "SSSHHHH, the babies are sleeping," John's mom says. "Sorry, I didn't know." John responded." Hi, my big man. How was school today? and the match?" John's mom is a hard woman, but she always has love for her children, She starts to dish some supper for John."School was ok, the match was awesome, we won, next is the semi-finals." John takes his plate and sits down at the table. The room is lit by two candles, but it is enough to see around. "Is the electricity cables stolen again?" John asks. "No, sorry, they took money from my pay again, they say that I broke a machine at work, and I am responsible to pay for the repair, so I couldn't buy electricity". "Those people are totsies, all they do is deduct, deduct, deduct, how are people supposed to live like this," John responds with a raised voice again. "Hey, Shush! the babies", John's mom points to the door, where his brother and sister are sleeping in the other room. "Oh, sorry" John calms down again. "My son, we will make due, we have always." She says, trying for him not to worry about too much". "Thanks for supper mom," John says as he gets up," I still have three assignments to do, before I can go to bed." "Why don't you do them tomorrow?" She asks.


Story P7

Hey so I'm back, so let's continue...(edited)

The brakes on Peter's car screech as he stops, that doesn't matter, his music is blaring so much he can't even here himself think. The beer he has drunk so far has also numbed his senses, so at this stage it doesn't really matter. He opens the car door and becomes aware of the music bellowing from inside. Some people standing outside with drinks in their hands greet him" Heeey, Peter's here, our champion has arrived!!!" Some of his rugby mates starts chanting again: "Peter, Peter, Peter.." Peter is walking to the door when Jessica sees him and runs to him. She is dressed in an almost revealing ,short dress. She jumps and Peter almost falls over. "Hello, my handsome champion!" With her arm around him she kisses him on the cheek, "more of this later." She almost drags him inside.
 Peter sees Patric standing to one side with a couple of girls, with him he sees a new face. "Wow, what a prize" Peter thinks to himself. Nicolene is dressed in a much classier outfit than most of the girls here, but her neck line still reveals enough for the boys' mouths to drool.  Peter lets go of Jessica's hand and she disappears into the crowd. Peter turns to Patric" Hey, Pat nice kick dude.""Not that we needed it, we already won thanks to your try, Peter." Nicolene taps him in the ribs." Oh, Pete meet my cousin Nicolene, Couzy, this is Peter our star Rugby player. She came to visit all the way from Pretoria" "Nice to meet you, Peter."Peter takes her hand bends forward and kisses it. "No, the pleasure is all mine" He looks up just in time to see the spark in her eye. Jessica comes around the corner with two glasses of drinks in her hands and sees Peter talking to this beautiful girl.
 "Get your filthy paws off my man, cow. Everybody knows he is mine. I will just have to educate you" She thinks to herself as she approaches. "Here is your drink handsome," Jessica says as she puts the glass in Peter's hand. "Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to steal him from you." Jessica says as she takes Peter's hand and starts pulling him away, she looks over to Nicolene and it is almost as if flames flared up in her eyes."Wow, if looks could kill" Nicolene says as they go out of hearing distance.

Story P6

So I haven't been on here for ages, but I have been motivated to not stop writing... Hey who knows...

So let me just continue with the story:

John still has a sour taste in his mouth after Peter just drove off. " It would have been nice if he could give me a lift to the station at least..." John thinks to himself. He has walked a block or so, still washing all the thoughts of what happened today in his mind. " Coach Derick said that I had the best stats, but still these racist dogs will give it to the crazy white boy" The negativity flows from his mind almost into his reality." Peter is not that bad, but hell he almost did nothing, scored a try and he gets man of the match." "Probably just my black luck..."He doesn't notice the cute girl standing at the bus stop, wrestling with thoughts he doesn't look up, scoffing at everything that has happened. "OUCH." John exclaimed as he walked into the street light pole at the bus stop. He bumped his head and fell on his backside. He laughs as he rubs his head, he looks up and see Lindiwe standing there laughing at him. "oh, sorry I didn't see you there." John's books and papers came out of his back pack and was laying all over the place. Lindiwe walked closer and bent to help him. "Hi, are you ok?" John though he heard an angel speak, his heart was beating violently in his chest. "He he he, yea, I am so deep in thought I didn't see the lamp post here..." He said shyly. "Don't worry it happens, it was just funny seeing you, he he he, you looks so surprised, My name is Lindiwe." She helps him up and hands him all the papers that she collected for him from the floor. "Oh, hi, my name is John." They hear the bus coming closer and get ready to climb on. John is very surprised that such a beautiful girl would speak to him. The next fifteen minutes is a blur for him, but he can vaguely remember all the detail that Lindiwe has shared with him. "Oh, this is my stop" Lindiwe said. "Are you not going to the rank?" John asks. " No, I'm meeting my father at work, then we will drive from there." John is quite sad, he had such a good time." Ok, thanks, I had fun" John says shyly, looking down at his papers. "Well John is was really, really nice to meet you and I hope we see each other around the campus." John's heart skips a beat, "Yeah sure, I hope so too." He shouts after her as she disembarks. 
John still had a long way to go. The bus trip to the station took another thirty minutes, He crossed over the street to the train station waits for the next available train. The train doesn't take to long and he boards it. He still has a long way to go but the journey doesn't feel that long today. All he can think of is this angel that he met, Lindiwe.