Story P7

Hey so I'm back, so let's continue...(edited)

The brakes on Peter's car screech as he stops, that doesn't matter, his music is blaring so much he can't even here himself think. The beer he has drunk so far has also numbed his senses, so at this stage it doesn't really matter. He opens the car door and becomes aware of the music bellowing from inside. Some people standing outside with drinks in their hands greet him" Heeey, Peter's here, our champion has arrived!!!" Some of his rugby mates starts chanting again: "Peter, Peter, Peter.." Peter is walking to the door when Jessica sees him and runs to him. She is dressed in an almost revealing ,short dress. She jumps and Peter almost falls over. "Hello, my handsome champion!" With her arm around him she kisses him on the cheek, "more of this later." She almost drags him inside.
 Peter sees Patric standing to one side with a couple of girls, with him he sees a new face. "Wow, what a prize" Peter thinks to himself. Nicolene is dressed in a much classier outfit than most of the girls here, but her neck line still reveals enough for the boys' mouths to drool.  Peter lets go of Jessica's hand and she disappears into the crowd. Peter turns to Patric" Hey, Pat nice kick dude.""Not that we needed it, we already won thanks to your try, Peter." Nicolene taps him in the ribs." Oh, Pete meet my cousin Nicolene, Couzy, this is Peter our star Rugby player. She came to visit all the way from Pretoria" "Nice to meet you, Peter."Peter takes her hand bends forward and kisses it. "No, the pleasure is all mine" He looks up just in time to see the spark in her eye. Jessica comes around the corner with two glasses of drinks in her hands and sees Peter talking to this beautiful girl.
 "Get your filthy paws off my man, cow. Everybody knows he is mine. I will just have to educate you" She thinks to herself as she approaches. "Here is your drink handsome," Jessica says as she puts the glass in Peter's hand. "Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to steal him from you." Jessica says as she takes Peter's hand and starts pulling him away, she looks over to Nicolene and it is almost as if flames flared up in her eyes."Wow, if looks could kill" Nicolene says as they go out of hearing distance.

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