Story P5

Yea ....and I'm back... thanks for checking out my story... and please tell me what you think... the story has a couple of twists coming but, I'm not revealing anything yet!!!!

"Man, all I have to do is keep my mouth shut, some scout will see me and then I'll never have to deal with this coach again" John thinks to himself. John almost don't hear Peter shouting at him."John, John, wait for me!!" John turns around and sees Peter and starts to walk a little slower. "Hey dude, what was that all about? The coach is coo coo." "Yea dude, but everything is ok." John doesn't really make eye contact. "What would Peter know about my life?" John thinks to himself, he feels his mood just drop into somberness. "What a game man, this time we will have the cup for sure!!" Peter says. He continues, "what's wrong with you?" John isn't in the mood to talk, but he doesn't want to seem rude. "Don't let the coach's antics get you down, he is just like that, ignore it - I do. So tell me, are you not coming to the party tonight?"Peter continues as if nothing is wrong. "No, I have some tests I have to redo this week. From here I still have to catch a bus and a train before I get home. So my study time will be very limited." John tries to enlighten him." Wow, ok, a bus and a train? No way dude, so where do you stay?" Peter asked ignorantly. "Kayamandi, in Stellenbosch." "Wow man that is far, do you travel that everyday?" " Not everyday, Only on days that I have classes and well, rugby." Peter heads to his car, "cheers dude, have an awesome weekend, I know I will." "Yea cheers, see you on Monday." "Party hard and get everything for free, what do you know about fighting for survival?" John repeats to himself, softer so that Peter would not be able to hear him. John quickens his pace, he knows that he still need to walk quite a distance before he will be able to catch a taxi to the train station. Peter drives past and waves at him. "Thanks for caring, you could've given me a lift." John hisses to Peter with a smile not to look rude or unfriendly. 

The music is blaring in Peter's car, he is in such a good mood. The Ford Focus that his dad got him at the beginning of Varsity has kept him going. The girls like it and it got him where he wanted to be, it has a couple of beer stains, dents all over, but soon, a scout will see him and then all his dreams come true. He doesn't have that far to drive, 10 minutes and he will be home. a quick shower, a quick burger and then party time. "Aaargh man, I still need to go and see my dad," he remembers, "I hope he gives me the money I've asked of him." Peter's dad is not rich but he can take care of things, he doesn't need to scratch too much too fill the financial holes. Peter is deep in thought and sees the red light almost to late. The tyres screech to a halt. "What do you think you're doing?" a passer by shouts at him. "Flip off, man. Who cares what you think." Peter screams back at him.

this is cool... so we have come this far, just to ask is anyone reading this? yay or nay?, tomorrow is friday.... yea... almost... cool cheers!!!!

Story P4

Good after-wednesday people.... SO I was a bad boy and I skipped a day of my blogging thinggy.... wow, just call me a rebel without a pause,....

Well I hope the rest of your week is ok, mine is going forward, never back ward... I have so much to rant and rave about but let me cal down first... so heading back to the story...

 Peter can feel the couple of beers that he had already, but he is just too happy to care right now. He grabs his pack and starts walking off to his car. "Cheers champion," some guys from the back shout at him," see you at the party." "Of course!" he shouts back, "It is MY party." He walks out feeling sore but good, doing those extra classes at the gym has done him good. " I wish my dad was here to see this," he thinks to himself, "Man, he would have enjoyed this." Peter walks out and the bright light stuns him a little. "Hello, Peter, ... champion." Peter can't see, but from the lovely voice, he knows it is Jessica. "Mmm, hi Jessy, mmm how are you doing?" Jessica is standing there with a very short cheer leading outfit. "I'm good, thank you, always so polite... will I see you at the party tonight? Its going to be fun". "Of course I'll be there, I'm not one to miss a party. And besides, I am man of the match". "Ok, see you there". Jessica saunters off. She always had a thing for Peter. Peter's mind is a little hazy; he turns to go to his car and sees John walking off in the distance. "John, John, wait for me!!" He starts running, and it feels good, to get some of this beer out of his system. John looks around and sees Peter and starts to walk a little slower. Peter catches up to him. "Hey dude, what was that all about? The coach is coo coo." "Yea dude, but everything is ok." John doesn't really make eye contact. "What a game man, this time we will have the cup for sure!!" Peter says very happily, but you can hear the seriousness in his voice. Last year they lost the cup in the final. "What's wrong with you?" Peter asks realizing John's somber mood. "Don't let the coach's antics get you down, he is just like that, ignore it - I do. So tell me, are you not coming to the party tonight?" "No, I have some tests I have to redo this week. From here I still have to catch a taxi and a train before I get home. So my study time will be very limited." " Wow, ok, a taxi and a train? No way dude, so where do you stay?" Peter asked ignorantly. "Kayamandi, in Stellenbosch." "Wow man that is far, do you travel that everyday?" " Not everyday, Only on days that I have classes and well, rugby." 

A  little short, but this will have to do ... thanks guys... see you soon!!!

Story P3

The dreaded  Monday has arrived... but here I am hope you had an awesome weekend!!!!! For me I am just going to push on with the story, so here goes...

As Peter dives for the line he can feel a tackler grabbing him from behind. For just a fleeting moment the cool air rushes past his face, his body bracing for impact. Peter falls down like a bag of potatoes, tackler holding on to him, a surge of adrenaline pumping through his veins. He jumps up, "you did it, you did it!!!! " the crowd goes wild. Peter jumps up, all he can see is his team mates rushing towards him. "you did it, you did it". Everyone in his team grabs him, high fives him, pat him on the back. He knows he just scored the winning try, he is smiling, from ear to ear would be an under statement. They all run to their starting positions as the fly-half takes the ball to kick for goal. He is taking his time as there is just only a minute or so on the clock left. "Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter" Peter can't believe his ears. The fly-half places the ball and the crowd goes silent. One step back, another step back, two to the side, looking towards the ball, focus... and he kicks. It went over. The final whistle blows and the crowd goes wild, " we won, we won, Peter, Peter, Peter..." Peter gets grabbed by his team mates and lifted on their shoulders and carried of to the team rooms.

John looks as the fly-half kicks the ball, "go Patric, you can't miss" John thinks to himself. Patric has always been good to John, being a black rugby player in a white dominated sport isn't that easy. You can perform better than most players, but still only be chosen for the team as a backup. John has played rugby all his life, ever since he saw a re-run of Chester Williams playing in The World cup of 1995, he always wanted to play. "Peter did well, coach" John says to Derick, the assistant coach. The two of them walk slowly as hordes of fans follow the mob, with Peter carried on some player's shoulders. "yes, he did score the winning try, but I do think that you are supposed to be man of the match". "Why? coach , I just did my job" "look at these stats, you ran furthest with the ball, you missed the least tackles, you made the most tackles, you really performed the best over all". No such luck for John this time, or any other time matter of fact. He has consistently out performed any other player over this whole season. Every time some other player won man of the match. They enter the Team rooms they hear shouts of joy" hip, hip, hooray, ... hooray for Peter,... hip, hip, hooray, ... hooray for Peter!!!" The head coach, Jan Visagie, has been coaching this team for over twenty years, a hard man, not easy to please. "quiet down" he hisses towards the players " Today, was a good day, beating The Rascals was sure luck, but you guys pulled together, worked together. Now don't let this match go to your heads. We still have a couple of matches to play before we can rest. Know that there are also some scouts, watching you. So look after yourselves. Aaaaand, I think we can all agree that Peter is man of the match" the guys already half naked, starts chanting again." Peter, Peter, Peter.." "quiet down, quiet down..." coach hisses at them again. " ok, so no funny business tonight, no drinking and driving, and keep your pants on..." the celebrations start as a couple of beers are opened and the guys start pouring it down their throats. John sitting quietly next to his locker, rubbing his aching muscles. "you want a beer, John?" a player shout from the other side of the room. " No thanks, I have to study tonight!" John shouts trying to be convincing. " John, please come see me in my office!" The coach shouts over all the noise. "Sure thing, Coach" He struggles as he gets up. "I surely over did it today", John thinks to himself. He walks over to the coaches office. "Please close the door behind you" John closes the door and sits in a chair next to Derick, who is already in the office. "John, do you like playing rugby for us?" the coach asks."yes sir" John answers without even having to think about it. "Good," The coach says "I also like you as a player, but what I saw today, I never want to see again." "what was that coach?" John asks wide eyed. "I do not like when my players are slacking off, do you hear me?" The coach's voice is getting louder and loader. Derick tries to interrupt "But coach, John out per..." "DERICK IF I WANT YOUR OPINION, I'll GIVE IT TO YOU" The coach cuts him off "NOW JOHN, YOU CAME OUT OF THE LINE OUT TOO SLOW, YOU DIDN'T GIVE IT YOUR ALL, IF I SEE YOU DO THAT AGAIN, YOUR DAYS OF RUGBY WILL BE OVER, DO YOU HEAR ME?" The coach bellows at him. " yes sir, no problem sir" John isn't scared of confrontation, but he knows that to say anything other than that would be suicide. "NOW, GET OUT OF HERE". John doesn't say anything but as he opens the door and walks out side, the whole team room looks at him with big eyes. He just drops his gaze to the floor and closes the door. Even though it is muffled they can still hear coach shouting at Derick. 

Thanks guys, I think I am going to stop it here.. too much to do with just too little time... but thanks, see you all tomorrow.

Story P2

Heeeeeeeyyyy good day everyone, if anyone... So this is friday... cooool... looking forward to the weekend... It's the weekend baby!!!!!

SO after my loooong day yesterday and not posting anything I thought of just continuing on my story today... so here goes:

"Move it, move it, move it, John, get your black behind to that ball. I want it, go get it" John quickened has pace as the coach's words rang in his ears. A player of the opposing team came running in his direction, He goes in for the tackle, his muscles tense up ready for impact. John feels the impact of this big runner hitting him full on. His shoulder aches, but he reaches around, grips and falls to the ground with the player's legs in his arms. "Nice tackle John, release, release" John hears muffed cries in the back ground. He releases the player and starts to roll away as they have practiced so many times. It is not easy with all the players' legs around, trying to get to the ball. 
The whistle blows, "knock on from orange, blue ball." the referee said. John was already up and getting ready for the next move, but there was a shuffle of players. Tempers flaring up, a shuffle here, a push there. "heeeeeeey....break it up, break it up....if any of you try this nonsense in this game, I'll send you right off". The rugby players calm down and everyone get ready for the scrum.
John finds his lock partner and locks in, both of them working as a unit, moves closer to the props and grabs the normal place, connecting as a huge tank, ready for the scrum.

"Nice tackle John!!!, Release, Release!!!" Peter's voice seems coarse he screams, to support his team mate. The whistle blows, "what are these idiots doing?" he mumbles to himself. He sees some players of the other team pushing his team mates, He runs. He is in the back line but it doesn't take him to long to get to where the players are pushing each other. He swings barely missing a player, he feels how a someone grabs him from behind. His temperament is boiling. "heeeeeeey....break it up, break it up....if any of you try this nonsense in this game, I'll send you right off" the referee points his finger straight at Peter and gives him a stern look. He knows that if he tries anything now, he won't see the end of the game. He goes back to his position, "happy place, happy place" Peter says to himself. By the time he gets to his place, the scrum is ready to start. The scrum-half puts the ball in, "push, push, push" Peter start moving a little by little, he needs to be ready if he is going to do something. The points are level and there is only 2 minutes left on the clock. "push dammit!!!" the ball pops out, the scum-half passes the ball to the fly-half. He runs a couple of steps but sees there is nowhere to go. Peter makes sure that he stays behind him, ready to receive the ball. Here it comes. He grabs it and pushes with all the strength. He lifts his knees high, stronger, faster. He steps left, he steps right ... "yes, it's open" he thinks to himself. His lungs are burning, but he pushes, faster, faster. He runs through a gap that was created by the fly-half. The line comes closer and closer, he can almost feel the breath of the players behind him. Fifteen meters, faster, faster, his muscles are aching but there is no turning back. Just a little more, ten meters, "push, Peter, push... you can do it!!" his thoughts rings through his mind. Almost...

Thanks for joining me today, but this is where I'm going to stop for today... my responsabilities are calling... cheers

Book / Screenplay P1

 So let me start with the story.........

ok so the story is about 2 different people in the current South Africa, two different back grounds, 2 different life styles, lets just start with this and we can take it from here:
(an edit is needed for this, but hey, this is just a start)

 The whistle blows and John can feel his right calf muscle twitch. He bends His legs and get ready for the jump, sweat trickle over his brow, he can see the hooker with the ball, his hands go up, "ready, thirty four, seventeen, eight, go" the line out is for the other team, but John has won at least four out of the seven line outs for his team. He jumps, grabs towards the ball and misses. He hears his scrum-half scream something but it is muffled and he knows he has to bind and push, try and get that ball. He pushes with all his might, "push, push, push" he hears from just behind him. His body is burning, he is wet from the sweat but he knows he can do it. There is pressure from all around, as sweaty bodies is pushing him from all sides. "push, push, push" He recognizes the scum-half's voice, "what does he think we're doing?" a thought flashed through his head. He masters some more strength and "aaaarrrggghhh ". "the ball is out", he releases, and falls to the ground. after a couple of seconds where a lot of bodies came crashing down on him, John feels the release of everyone standing up. He looks up, jumps up and see the his back line running, he starts running, but with a slow pace as he knows he will not be able to catch them. 
I think that is it for today... cheers...